He slowly shook his head. "It's not like I don't want you there, but... I told you once that I don't understand why some people feel such a deep connection to the monarchy, but they do. For them, we are something like... a dear symbol, something to look up to or sometimes even some sort of family." He bit his lower lip. "Loosing James.... They are grieving his death like I do. I... some of them might even grieve him more then I do", he admitted. "These people... they need to see me. Share their grief with them. Bringing someone new with me... I don't think that they would take it in a good way. Don't grt me wrong, this is nothing against you, but they might see it as... trying to steal the... true importance of the day." He furrowed his eyebrows, not knowing to describe it. "They are here to grief and to show thwir support to our family. All of this is about James and it would not look good, if we used that time to properly introduce you as part of the family."