The room was loud and filled with voices. He could already feel a headache approaching, but he knew that he couldn't go yet. It was way too early to disappear from such an event unless he wanted to gain the displeasure of his mother. Normally, he would rather enjoy this kind of event, but he had a deadline approaching and was slightly behind. Which his study partner kept reminding him off, thank you very much. He had lost sight on Alex a while ago, which really was a pitty. He liked the company of the prince. But luckily, he knew more then enough people and had always been great at socialising. After all, he was born for these events! Right now, he stood at the edge of the event, taking a moment to catch his breath. While he scanned the people surrounding him, a familiar redhead popped up and a smirk appeared on his lips. not even thinking about it, he walked straight over. "Look who has graced us with her attendance", he whispered right into her ear. Since he had approached from behind, she hadn't been able to spot him. "Well, well, well, Monet. It has been a while since you attended such parties, hasn't it?"