She aoftly blushed at his words, letting her eyes wander over her face, taking in all his facial features. Slowly reaching out with one hand she softly and gentle stroked over his face, bevor leaning in for a soft kiss. "And you didntntake jonfor an answer", she chuckeld and pressed closer tonhim. "Honestly...the first time you came over to talk to me..I...indidnt had a clue who you are", she blushed. She wouldn't lie, she had a few drinks thst evening and was honestly never to involved in the Royal family matter, so no, she had not realised who he was. "Soni literally send you away without knowing I rejected a peince", she chuckeld again. "The girls flipped out, telling me I had some something horrible....and then explained me who you were and...and inthought it could only be a joke", she blushed a bit deeper